Tiny Gigi and her litter were just one week old when they arrived at MD SPCA nursing on their momma. The whole family went to an experienced foster home together.
Momma was very attentive and friendly. The whole family had upper respiratory infections and crusty eyes, but Gigi also quickly developed an abscess on her elbow!
The MD SPCA medical team had her come in as an emergency to drain and flush the infected area. Gigi was given a tiny dose of Convenia and sent home with a drain in the elbow and instructions to regularly hot compress the area. Gigi and her siblings were too young for medication to resolve the upper respiratory infections, so the foster regularly gave the kittens little kitten saunas to help clear their sinuses.
It was very important during this fragile time to make sure Gigi was getting enough to eat. So, the foster parent syringe-fed kitten formula to Gigi in between her nursing sessions.
After a few weeks of important kitten-milestones and getting big and strong. Finally, they could receive their boosters and antibiotics for the URIs and Gigi’s elbow was all healed! After an eight-week journey in foster and in the shelter, Gigi was spayed and immediately adopted into a loving family! She now has two human sisters and a doggie-brother.
Stories like this are made possible by the Brownie’s Care Fund.
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