A Bold New Direction
2021 Programs
Life-saving care for shelter pets
Father and 4-year-old son couldn't leave injured cat
Hope was found lying in the road by a father and his little boy. When they brought her to the MD SPCA, she was covered in fleas and maggots, severely underweight, and dehydrated. Our staff provided urgent medical care. Watch Now
Abandoned puppy learns to walk
Debbie Walnut was found alone in a public park, unable to use her back legs to walk. But MD SPCA staff believed in this pup. After three weeks of round-the-clock care, staff helped Debbie take her first steps. Watch Now
Keeping pets with their families
Pet food assistance and free veterinary care
Dogs Louis, Shiloh stay with amazing dad
Our Impact

The William Woodward Award
2021 Recipient
Lisa Radov
The MD SPCA honored Lisa Radov with our 2021 William Woodward Award for outstanding service to pets and people. As president of Maryland Votes for Animals, Lisa has helped pass major laws to improve animals’ lives in Maryland. That includes the Maryland Spay/Neuter Fund, making animal killing contests illegal, and making animal sexual abuse a felony.
Annual Income

Annual Income
- Department of Agriculture – $64,286
- Other Operations Income – $78,800
- Adoptions – $178,253
- Spay/Neuter Fees – $259,845
- Events – $279,024
- Wellness Clinic – $458,939
- Paycheck Protection Program – $754,680
- Institutional Contributions – $829,040
- Bequests and Planned Giving – $1,000,430
- Interest/Gains – $1,432,917
- Individual Contributions – $2,784,995

- Education – $36,493
- Outside Fees – $111,613
- Office and General – $234,863
- Marketing and Events – $509,634
- Animal Care – $544,866
- Facilities and Maintenance – $810,691
- Salaries and Benefits – $4,474,847
Our Board of Directors
- President
Sharon Kroupa - Vice President
Peter Askew - Vice President
Barb Simmons - Treasurer
Gregg Gorman - Secretary
Jennifer Viglucci - Past President
Joanne Pollak
- Tina Beliveau
- Cheryl Bernard-Smith
- Anne Broadus
- Barb Clapp
- Lisa Dembeck
- Terri Jones
- Carin Lazarus
- Rachid Medarhri
- M. John Meyer
- Carrie Montague
- Natalie O’Neil
- Olachi Opara
- Kera Ritter
- Kevin Rochlitz
- Estelle Ward, DVM
- Eric DeCosta, Board Ambassador
- Randy Brinton, Board member Emeritus
- Howie Wolfe, Board member Emeritus
2021 Donors
Founders' Circle ($25,000+)
- Nancy Alquist
- Peter and Anne Askew^
- William P. Baker
- Robin and Toby Bozzuto
- Caves Farm
- Carin and Brian Lazarus
- Mike and Natalie O’Neil
- Joanne and Mark Pollak^
- Anonymous
1869 Circle ($10,000–$24,999)
- Rebecca Besson and Stuart Cooper
- Bonnie and David Bonn^
- Barbara Boudreau and Donna Arbuthnot^
- Cathy Cahnmann^
- Gina Campbell
- Lacie and Eric DeCosta
- Patricia A. Gallagher
- Tricia and Steve Hinkel
- Dave Imre and Tom Crusse
- Evelyn Johnson Charitable
- Foundation Inc.
- Sharon Kroupa^
- Amy and Charles Lester^
- Ginna Naylor and Jim Potter^
- Joan S. and Rajeev Ranadive^
- Kera Ritter
- Richard M. Ruane^
- Mark and Robin Schermerhorn
- Anne L. Stone
- Peter S. Tinsley
- Susan Tonascia^
- Drs. Estelle and Jeffrey Ward
- Anonymous (2)
Humane Heroes Circle ($5,000–$9,999)
- Ted Alban^
- David and Eric Beard-Sackett
- Cheri Belski
- Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Bolton^
- Laetitia M. Brooks
- Robert Bruns
- Jeffrey Burch and Lou M. Ghitman
- Nancy Dorman and Stan Mazaroff^
- Elizabeth Drigotas^
- Eliza and David Dunn
- Spaulding and Cynthia Goetze
- Anne A. Jamison
- Diane Lane
- Lois and Philip Macht Family
- Philanthropic Fund
- Bill Magruder^
- Amy and Hugh McGuirk
- Dr. Lisa Murray
- Joan and Bob Ottenritter
- Charlotte Palmer Phillips Foundation
- Alan Penczek^
- Charlotte and Randall Robinson^
- Jonathan Ruckdeschel and Jane O’Leary
- Linda Schneidereith^
- Kathleen N. Thomas
- Robert and Arden Travers
- Jennifer and Tony Viglucci
- Dorothy Wagner Wallis Charitable Trust^
- Susan and Robert Waldman
- Anne and Chris West^
- Anonymous (5)
Evergreen on the Falls Circle ($2,500–$4,999)
- Jeanne and Kurt Aarsand
- Renee Agnew
- Katie Applefeld
- Brenda Ashworth and Donald Welch
- Drs. Katie and Eric Bass^
- Tina and Andrew Beliveau
- Cheryl Bernard-Smith and Chip Smith
- The Besson’s Landing Foundation, Inc.
- Jeanne and Michael Biemer
- Anne and Toby Broadus^
- John and Tracey Chessare
- Ann K. Clapp^
- Charles and Kathleen Clark
- Sibley and Ward Classen
- Letha and Terry Cope
- Barry Daly and Jane Dowling
- David L. Donabedian
- Bruce and Lindsay Fleming
- Charlene Fletcher
- Katie Flory
- Tom and Amy Geddes
- Martha and Tad Glenn
- Gregg and Cathy Gorman
- Karen E.H. Gouline
- Donna Grauel
- Parice Halbert
- Kelly and Richard Hupfeld^
- Marta D.V. and Alfred D. Johnson
- Rodica I. Johnson^
- Terri and Kyle Jones
- Pam and Bob Kaplan
- Jody and Jim Lemken^
- Joann and William Marchi
- Jean and Fred Maurhoff
- Frank, Emma, and Scott McBride*
- John and Kris Meyer
- Edward and Katherine Mitzel
- Carrie and Alex Montague
- The Muller Foundation
- Pat Mulligan
- Mildred E. Murray
- Peter and Diane Nachtwey
- Daniel Neumayer
- The Ochs Family Foundation, Inc.
- Jen Osborn
- Glynn I. Owens
- Linda Lee Panlilio
- Charlotte Peltz and Celeste Nader
- Jennie and Jake Rasmussen
- James S. and Gail P. Riepe Charitable Foundation^
- Kevin and Melissa Rochlitz
- The Rosen Family (Rachel, Zachary, Mark, and Georgia)
- Ingo Ruczinski
- Dorothy and David Sawyer
- Karen Schaefer
- Barbara and Albert Simmons
- Hon. Carol E. Smith
- Rona and Norman Smith^
- Jamie Mason and Paul Stagg
- Richard and Diane Thornton
- Mark and Wendy Warren^
- Susan G. Waxter
- Sandra Wighton
- Chris and Jim Wright^
- Anonymous (10)
President’s Circle ($1,000–$2,499)
- Dr. Mahmood and Mrs. Linda Alikhan
- Ilene Asner and Rick Kramer^
- Sarah Atas
- Gina Atwood
- Rebecca Barney and Chad Pfrommer
- Chara R. Bauer
- Lois A. Berg
- Brian, Heidi, and Anna Berghuis
- Jules J. Berman
- Bobbie and Glen Bjorklund
- Sandra and Neal Black
- William M. Blackstone
- Dr. John and Cheryl Blenko^
- John and Carolyn Boitnott^
- Bonnie and John Boland, Ph.D.s^
- Holly Burkett
- The Campbell Foundation
- Judith Campbell McKennis^
- Gertrude A. Cannady
- Linda Carter
- Janice L. Checket
- Christine Chin
- Barb Clapp
- Kathleen Coakley
- Laura and David Cole
- Jesse Collins
- Karen and the late John Colvin^
- Sandra L. Crockett
- Deborah Davis
- Dina and George Davis^
- Ann Marie Debiase
- Caitlin Demchuk
- Ross and Michele Donehower
- Jennifer L. Dunworth
- Susan Eckenrode
- Dr. John B. Egger
- Mark Faggert
- Dick and Barbara Fairbanks
- Michael Fall
- Mr. Charles C. Fenwick III
- Brian Ferguson
- Roger and Cheryl Fiery^
- Dr. John and Cathie Fioramonti
- Kevin Fitzpatrick
- Ruth M. and Bernard Fleishman
- Gina Foringer and Laura Laing
- Neal Friedlander and Virginia Adams
- Louis and Phyllis Friedman Foundation, Inc.
- Sylvia Gerston*
- Maura Gilday
- Nancy Glazer Dickman Family
- Foundation^
- Harvey Goldberg
- Dr. Charlene Griffin
- George Grose and Amy Macht
- Edward and Cindy Halle
- Elizabeth Hamberry
- Mary and John Hammond
- Victoria and James Handa
- Nan Hayworth
- Georgia C. Heckler
- Paul Hemme
- Mary and Charles Hesdorffer
- Jane Hill
- Eric Hindman and Pauline Reznicek
- Heather Holland
- Heather Holt
- Robert and Jenny Hopkins
- Garry E. Hopple
- Kathleen Travers Horner
- Joseph F. Hradsky
- Lita Hughes
- Eric and Shannon Huston
- Cornelia M. Ives
- Bruce Johnson
- Dr. Gabe Kelen
- Townsend and Bob Kent
- Jack Kent
- Patricia and Timothy Kinlock
- Deborah Knecht
- Jessica Lanzillotti
- Julie Laslett
- John Lawrence^
- Katie Ryan Lekin and Jim Lekin
- Dale Levitz and Judge Dana Levitz
- Debra J. Macey
- Susie Macfarlane^
- Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Margolis
- Jeffrey L. Martin
- Mrs. Rand R. Mason^
- Robert R. McCrae
- Claire M. McDonough
- John and Laura McNulty
- Lucy Melvin
- Yvonne Molotsi
- Bill and Maria Montgomery
- Carla and John Moose
- Joe and Dina Moxey
- Barbara L. Mueller
- Amy Mullen
- James C. Murray
- Mark Allan Myers
- Terry S. Nelson
- Nina and David Noble
- Sheila M. O’Neill
- Carole and Bill Oliver^
- Amanda Owens
- Harry and Anna Page
- Diane Pappas
- Mary Charlotte Parr
- Thomas A. Payne
- Jim Peirce and Jeremy Sugarman
- Marilyn Phelps
- Naudane and Jay Phillips
- Brian C. Phipps
- Mary-Ann and Wally Pinkard^
- Gregory and Donna Prott
- The Reading Family
- Susannah and William Rienhoff
- Julia Ro
- Lucy and Kevin Robins
- Michele and Andrew Rosenstein
- Robert and Patricia Rubino
- Claudia and Steve Salzberg
- Laura R. Sapp
- Dr. Thomas M. Scalea
- Bob and Elaine Schaefer^
- Barry Schapiro^
- Debra Schubert and Byron Olson
- Betsy and Stephen Scott
- Diane and Joe Seeger
- Alyssa Shedlosky
- Stephanie Short
- Sandra Skidmore
- Lynda L. Slyder and Julia E. Eason
- Barbara L. Solomon
- Josh Spiegel
- Carole A. Stafford
- Phyllis A. Steiner
- Doris Sweet
- Mary, Tony, and Miriam Talalay
- Laura and George Thomas
- Charles and Cecilia Thompson
- Jennifer L. Tittsworth
- Linda D. Valle
- Barry Vaughan
- Joseph Verbalis
- Ann D. and Charles Walker
- Bonna Walker and Mark Kaiser
- Carol Warren
- Alison Wells
- John and Marie Wells
- Brian Wesner
- Linda J. Wessells
- Linda D. Whippo
- Barbara Mattingly Wilson^
- Jean Woods
- Andi and Dan Worthington^
- Gary and Janet Yankanich
- Carol Younts
- Dan Zeller
- Anonymous (97)
* in tribute.
^ Silver Lifesaver, a Lifesaver for a decade or more.
In-Kind Donors
- Alliance Material Handling
- Amazon
- Carlyle Baltimore Holdings and Carlyle Next, LLC
- Foundry19
- Greater Good Charities
- Media Star Promotions
- Prologis
- Safeway
- Southland Industries
- The Banfield Foundation